Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Silence is...Golden?

Psalm 4:4 says “In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.

Let me repeat that (with CAPS for emphasis, of course).  “Search your hearts and BE SILENT.”  As women it’s almost natural for us to search our hearts, wonder if we are doing the right thing, search until we are sure we are making the right decision.  However, that “be silent” clause, that just doesn’t work out well for us.  We have to talk it out, we have to ask anyone and everyone their opinion about everything to make sure we have the most accurate information in order to ‘search our hearts’.  Of course the bible says to seek wise counsel.  Where we need to be careful is how many wise counselors and the motive behind the counseling.  The first wise counselor we should turn to is God and his word, from there a husband, father or trusted Godly friend who isn’t in to what YOU want, but what is right could be sought.  I, myself am guilty of asking different people for advice before turning to the one I need to seek first.  So next time you have a decision, thought or idea that may render advice, simply pray once and be silent.  We may be surprised at the response we get from THE wise Counselor. 

Another reference for this same “silent” process is Psalm 77:6 “I remembered my songs in the night.  My heart mused and my spirit inquired.”  The dictionary says Muse is: ponder, consider, deliberate at length.  (Again CAPS for emphasis) deliberate AT LENGTH.  You can decide to what length, but I’m thinking a 24 hour period at minimum. 

Wow, we’ve got a big challenge ahead of us- Looking forward to trying this with you!!
Please let me know if you try this, and how it goes! =) 

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