Thursday, May 23, 2013

There's no stopping it...

Well here it is. The day I've pretended wasn't coming. The day I scoffed at, promising I would avoid. And yet, in about 4 hours I'll be head to head with 30th birthday.  That's right, I'm getting old.  In years past I dreaded 30, thinking my good life, my dreams...and everything else would be gone, head south and not come back.  That was before I turned 29.  Once you get to the 1 year count down it gets real, BUT you have 364 days to figure it out.  That's where I am now, day 364, and's not that bad.

Well, it wasn't that bad until I just looked down realized I went the whole day with a huge spit up ring on my dress- right below the collar bone.  Awesome.  Not sure what is worse, the fact I didn't notice it at any point when I washed my hands/looked in the mirror--or that I never smelled that distinct musty-spit up smell.  My oh my it's glamorous being a mom...I wouldn't trade it though, even on the hard days--they soon pass, and all the "bad stuff" is forgotten...I'm sure you have a story you could share on forgetting difficult times too :)

Back to getting old, had you asked me 5 years ago on my birthday where I would be in 5 years-- it surely would not look anything like it does now.  (Thank you Jesus I did not write my own story).  Back then, in 2008, I was planning to move to Washington DC, doing marketing/event planning "stuff", making lots of money, having fun- YOLO!!! (for all of you oldies like me, that means "you only live once"- great theology huh??)  PRAISE GOD that didn't pan out.  Believe me, some days I wonder what I would be like, where I would be if that were my path, then I shudder.  No thank you, I know how different it would be. I would not have cultivated relationships with friends & family like I have/do now.  I wouldn't have the most handsome, sweet, perfect-for-me husband that I do, or my 2 crazies (Brynnen & Graycen)!!  Most importantly, I am pretty positive I would not have a deep, growing relationship with Christ my Savior.  I wouldn't know the joy of community in the church and I certainly would not know what is truly important in life-- raising my sweet babies and growing old with my hubby-- all while trying to imitate which we can't compare, and often fail- but are so grateful for the grace, mercy, compassion, love and patience our heavenly father has with/for us.

Wow, am I ever more aware how I was rescued from that to be transplanted in the south, as a loving wife and mother to the most precious beings on earth..even if it is chaotic & and I smell like spit up for a few months...

HERE'S TO BEING THIRTY!!  I am excited for the adventure it may bring!!

Our little family!

my MAIN squeeze!! 1 week before 30!

my heart...cuddling this morning :-)

crazies on mother's day!